Have you ever thrown a small pebble into a pond a noticed the ripples that emanate from the center? Or thrown a bigger stone and watched its effect? Leadership works in the same manner. What you say and how you act (or react) has a similar effect.

So how can leaders be confident they are sending the right message? Here are some ways to have control over the ripple effect.


Leadership is not one-sided but multifaceted. Knowing how to communicate is probably the most important soft skill you can develop.

Thinking before you speak, and being conscious of what you want to say, will have a great impact. Recognizing you need to be aware of whom you are talking to while also being meaningful will give a positive impression that will go a long way. On the other hand, you can be too calculating and deliberate, which could have a negative connotation that results in irreparable damage.


People are the organization's foundation. Having the right mix of skills and abilities will aid in the corporation staying one step ahead.

Leaders' actions will radiate throughout the establishment. If a leader is determined to be dictatorial, this will inhibit growth of the employees. On the other hand, if there are no rules, then the company can run amok, with no real way for it to be profitable and successful.

The goal should be for leaders to emphasize compassion, have a set structure, rules to follow, and growth for its individuals.


The best leaders are the ones who take the time to mentor their employees. They give them opportunities to spread their wings and to shine.

Oftentimes, leaders will shy away from this practice for they may feel they are taking away from themselves, but it is really the opposite. Giving someone a chance will not only enable the individual to expand but it will also help the organization and the leader to look better.

The risk in not doing so is that it will ultimately cause people to leave, morale will be low, and the business could close for lack of giving its employees a fighting chance.


How the business acts is reflected through its leadership. If leaders project a "don't care" attitude, then this will be manifested throughout. The employees may mirror this behavior, and the organization will show signs of discontent.

Another point to be made is that just as communication is vital for the company's existence, so too is its culture. A philosophy of values, strength, empathy and respect is a true leader's badge of honor.

Finally, leaders need to be more than what they say and how they say it. It is their responsibility to be in control of how the organization treats its employees, stakeholders and clients.

Every action has a positive or negative reaction and consequence. It is imperative that the organization be a true reflection of itself. The ripple effect can be good or bad, and this choice is up to its leadership.