Selecting a contractor for your home can be a challenge. Prices can be competitive, similar services and delivery schedules can also be comparable. However, one way to choose the winning contractor from the pack can be assessed with one simple question: To what organizations do you belong?

Membership in a trade association demonstrates a business owner's commitment to the industry and their customers — and in some cases, certifications and standards that can only be earned as a member of a trade association.

Trade associations deliver several benefits to the professional, ultimately benefiting the consumer as well:

  1. Knowledge increased. Odds are that someone, somewhere, in the industry has already discovered the solution to a vexing problem in your particular niche, and that someone has shared their experiences to lead to another member's success. When you hire a member of a trade association, you are gaining access to the entire membership and their experiences.
  2. Validated skills. Trade associations create industry standards and regulate their members to those standards. Many associations offer demanding certification programs. Ask your potential contractor if he/she is certified. Ask about certifications, the components of the certification (practical and theoretical) and the maintenance process.
  3. Industry influence. Trade associations bring members together, turning one voice into a noticeable and recognized voice to legislators and regulators. Typically, trade association members are abreast of changing local, state and federal regulations, have an understanding of pending legislation and, most of all, know possible challenges you could face in improving your home.

Most importantly, members of trade associations are committed to delivering state-of-the-art solutions for your home. Determining membership in a trade association could make all the difference when selecting a contractor for your household.