Facility management is clearly defined as a comprehensive analysis, maintenance and management of everyday background operations so the core business can go on functioning, unhindered. This is important for all businesses, but for more dynamic operations like restaurants this means having access to instant and actionable data that can be used to stay ahead of problems.

With the use of advanced technologies to ensure automated and integrated facility management, restaurant owners and managers can easily improve on existing deliverables through instant and more accurate flow of data. This in turn leads to faster mobilization of resources and precision service delivery.

When it comes to maintenance in the restaurant business, it does not just mean the daily upkeep but rather a 360-degree management of the entire facility. This includes coordinating all members of the staff, seamlessly connecting with all the physical and functional divisions of the place, ensuring maximum client satisfaction and steady revenues so the business can run, survive and flourish with ease.

Restaurant facility management is data-driven, digitized and integrated, which leads to not just managing but also setting up more sustainable practices and standards for the business as a whole.

Key maintenance tips for restaurant facility management are:

1. Hygiene

This is by far the most important area of maintenance when it comes to any kind of food business. The facade is always full of glitter, but unless every internal aspect of the business actually matches this glitter, then the restaurant is doomed.

Automated facility management ensures than all physical locations of the restaurant — from the kitchen to the restrooms — meet the state hygiene standards and more at all times. Food preparation, merchandising, serving, presentation, upkeep — all areas are under constant scrutiny. Special training for staff and management is also included to ensure that these standards are routinely met with.

2. Energy

One key focus of the facility management exercise is to streamline operational costs and ensure maximum profits. Since decor, facade, appearance and lighting are important for any restaurant the usage of power is also high in them.

Changing outdated modes of lighting, temperature control devices, decor, etc., to more energy efficient methods is highly recommended. This has dual benefits for the business — there will be less power consumption and hence major savings realized in utility bills, and the use of greener power sources will actively contribute to environmental health.

Industry reports show that even a $1 reduction in energy costs can lead to an 8 percent profit margin.

3. Wastage

About 1.43 billion tons of food is wasted every year globally. Wastage is a major concern for all kinds of food businesses and is in many ways quite inevitable. But now with facility management tools and actionable data handy for instant action, managers and owners can see the exact use of resources in real time on a daily basis.

Accurate reports generated by the system connect the merchandising departments with the kitchens right away and lets them see how much is being used and how much should be acquired. Data may change in months or between weekdays and weekends. In the end, they will extrapolate data to work on and lessen, if not prevent, wastage.

4. Staff

Based on regular reports, facility managers can now streamline the number of staff they need for running a particular restaurant. At times, they can also shuffle the duties within the staff if they see better service in areas other than the one they are currently at.

Training the staff becomes an integral part of the program since it is with the comprehensive efforts of all that the highest levels of maintenance can be achieved. Once the system is in place and has run for some time, managers often find it easier to decide on future hires since they have a clearer idea of their business standards and the expectations they have of their people.

5. Service

Finally, the facility management system has to ensure that impeccable service standards are formulated and met. Every single aspect of the maintenance program is ultimately focused on providing outstanding service, which will ensure not just repeat business but solid word of mouth marketing.

These are the bulwarks of a restaurant’s success and are as much dependent on the food served as they are on how the food is served. In this case, cleanliness, presentation, appearance, quality and the delectable fare all combine to define the service and thereby the success of the business.