Being a chief officer is a rewarding position. But the saying "to whom much is given, much is expected" holds true as a fire chief. The job can take its toll on you and be extremely challenging, leading to stress and burnout.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it's important to set some boundaries and keep yourself in check to avoid mental burnout and stress.

In the fire service, we operate and function best when we have policies and procedures in place and when we adhere to them. Like a well-oiled machine, that's what makes us so effective at what we do. Without a doubt, it's one of the most rewarding and exciting careers.

But whatever you do or wherever you are in life, you should be happy. Happiness is a choice. As I go about life, I have noticed something in people of all walks of life. Many are unhappy. Why?

Maybe you are one of these unhappy people or know of them. Sure, problems are the association dues for being alive. We all have them. But to keep yourself down or in a permanent funk is not necessary, and you can do something about it.

In addition to being a fire chief, I'm also a consultant for a company that creates fire department policies and related training solutions. So policy has become a passion of mine. When it comes to policy, there are three important criteria for success:

  • It must be periodically reviewed and updated.
  • It must be consistent with your practice.
  • It must be reinforced through training.

But what does policy have to do with happiness? Well, let's apply those three criteria.

Review and update

Just as we need to periodically review our department policies, we need to periodically take stock of our personal happiness.

Most people worry about their own plans, promotions and agendas, and don't look out for the interests of others. They don't get up in the morning and give their first thought to how someone else is doing, because they're concerned with their own problems.

If this describes you, it may be time for an update. The starting point for all happiness is shifting the focus away from yourself. I have seen too many fire service personnel tune into the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) station 24/7 on the personal dial all the time.

If all you think about is yourself, you're going to be a pretty miserable person. If you truly want to be happy in life, you have to care about the needs of everyone around you. Yes, everyone! Your fellow firefighters, the community you serve and even the administration.

Make it consistent with your practice

Like any policy, your attitude about happiness is meaningless if you don't back it up with action.

Think about it from a fire service perspective: Your policy says to wear SCBA at fires until atmospheric monitoring gives the all-clear to remove it. But if your firefighters routinely perform overhaul without being on air, your policy is inconsistent with your practice — and that means your policy is ineffective.

So, you can tell yourself — and others — that you're a happy, positive person. But is that consistent with your actions?

Of course, we can't all be "bubbly" extroverts who always see the glass half-full. But we can establish a "policy" of trying to remain positive and of seeing good in others.

Reinforce through training

If you want to be one of those rare, unselfish people, you've got to shift your focus away from yourself to other people. That's not something that comes naturally, so it's something you have to learn to do.

I've always liked this quote from Philippians 2:4: "Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." Instead of griping about missed opportunities, promotions or events, be intentional about stepping outside yourself and into the needs of others, where you'll find happiness in serving others.

That may seem odd — training to be happy? — but it's really no different than any other policy. If it sits on a shelf gathering dust, it isn't doing you any good. If you train on it regularly, however, it becomes an innate part of who you are and how you act and react to situations.

So, is it time for a change?

When we become firefighters, we take an oath to serve others. That's a big responsibility, but fortunately it's also what makes the job so great. If you've lost touch with that perspective, it may be time for an attitude and behavior adjustment.

Put simply: Make it your policy to be happy!