Get ready to unwrap a Christmas present you’ll constantly use this year.

It's from Instagram, and the company already knows what you like — especially if you're one of the businesses that produced an Instagram Story this year. For a frame of reference, half of companies did.

Without further ado, here's the big unveiling! Instagram has debuted the biggest change to user profiles since 2013. On your profile, below your bio, you can now save and highlight select stories that can be viewed for more than 24 hours.

Story Highlights give you a space to share who you are and what you're all about in a more authentic way. Plus, stories are a great way to humanize your brand. We'll run through how to add these to your profile in just a bit.

First, a few more updates. In order for your stories to be saved and featured on your profile long-term, Instagram needs to store them somewhere. From now on, whenever you create a story, it will be saved to your archive and organized by date. To access your Story Archives, go to your profile and click the reverse clock to the right of your username. Or if you don't want this feature, you can turn it off in your settings.

Only you can see all the stories housed in your Story Archive. But Instagram did just announce that you can share images older than 24 hours on stories. Though, any older photos will have a sticker that details the time and date you originally captured the image.

In addition to sharing any snapshot on your phone, it's also easy to share older stories from your Story Archives. Simply select the story you want and tap "Share." Alternatively, you can tap "Highlight," and it will be added to your Story Highlights on your profile.

Now that we've covered that, let's put your present to use. Here's how to add Story Highlights to your profile:

1. Update your Instagram app in either Google Play or the App Store.

2. Go to your profile, and tap the "+" below your profile picture to access your Highlights. To see this, you must have shared a story recently.

3. Select the story or stories you want to add. Or you can open up your latest story and tap "Highlight."

4. Once you add a story to your Highlights, it will appear as your cover photo for that Highlight, which you can then name. You can upload multiple stories to one Highlight. So, for instance, you may want to include a Story titled "Products." Then, you can include as many stories as you want under that one Highlight.

5. To add to a particular Highlight, tap the Highlight on your profile, then select "More" in the bottom right-hand-corner. Click "Edit Highlight" to add additional stories to that topic. Or if you don't like the story any more, select "Remove Highlight," and poof, it's gone!

6. To start a new Highlight, go back to step two and repeat.

7. Right now, it doesn't appear there is a limit to how many Highlights you can have. Instead, users swipe right to view more.