When the system stops, so does business. So, it is in your interest to resolve any problem as quickly as possible, and more than that, to prevent downtime in the first place. This is where infrastructure monitoring comes in.

By applying server monitoring best practices, like configuring the right alerts, you can be notified before crisis hits. Downtime is caused by a variety of things: an overfull disk, faulty memory utilization, CPU failure or overload, and process crashes.

Given the host of things that can go wrong, and the high stakes if they do, it is essential to have the right server monitoring tools. Every operating system is unique, and if you have a mixed IT infrastructure, you need a server monitoring service that caters to them all. There are several ways to look after your IT infrastructure.

Agent-based server monitoring uses an application, installed on each server, to collect data. Agent-less monitoring does so without the use of agent software. Cloud server monitoring involves both manual and automated strategies.

Infographic courtesy NowSourcing/CloudRadar