As a digital marketer, you want to meet the needs of every single consumer who checks out your site or platform. An innovative way to make this happen is through visitor segmentation.

This highly granular approach basically means you're breaking your site’s visitors into clear and workable categories so you can target even the most niche customer with your full marketing might. It's personalized, it's effective, and it gives you excellent access to a new audience base.

2019 Yieldify research finds that 62% of your desktop customers are new, on average. A second intriguing stat from Yieldify: 50% of your mobile and tablet customers are likely to be new, too. So, what visitor segmentation measures should you be using to reach your new and loyal visitors for best results?

Behavior indicators.

This is an incredibly rich gold mine of information. Zone in on what your customers show interest in by analyzing three core avenues of how they display interest.

First: searches on your site. Do a fresh analysis of your best-selling products and services and see which members of your customer base rebuys which product and services. That's a powerful categorization indicator.

Second: trending searches. Is your brand their go-to when it comes to researching a potential purchase, or are you competing for their attention with other brands? Knowing this can help you separate your loyal base from your more fickle customers so you can better target their interests and permanently win them over.

And third: mine data as to what they quickly reject in a site search. Is one of your products or services getting sidelined on a consistent basis? Figure out why a group of consumers don't want what you're offering, then figure out whether to re-message it to win them over or jettison pitching it to them completely.

Demographic indicators.

Segmenting your audience by age, gender and special interests can help you gain a treasure trove of targeting info, of course. Using Google Analytics, Google Ads and Facebook Ads data are very helpful.

Hubspot reports that over 64% of marketers put effort into search engine optimization, too. So, increase interest in your site accordingly and you get even more info to use for pinpointed targeting.

Also, keep this in mind: once you've got your demographic snapshot, you can also sub-segment. Do a deep dive to see what percentage of your audiences you can cross-reference.

Younger customers, for example, may like a classic old-school ad you can re-introduce, simply because they haven't seen it before. Part of the fun of visitor segmentation is experimenting with your customer base in-depth so you discover new avenues for gaining their attention you wouldn't have known could be effective before.

Geographic indicators.

Location, location, location: it's essential for accurately breaking down and reaching every part of your demographic. The wisest long-term way to use it: planning for future in-person product launches and events once the COVID-19 crisis is resolved.

The wisest short-term way to use it: targeting customers online to let them know what immediate products and services you can currently offer them.

Psychographic indicators.

How do your visitors feel about your products? How do your products mesh with their beliefs, lifestyle, opinions and preferences? Knowing this information is incredibly important and powerful in terms of marketing to them as individuals accurately.

Separate your customer base into a highly positive demo, an on-the-fence demo, and a negative demo in terms of their comments, reviews, and questions. Then, brainstorm ways to keep them happy, win them over, or fix what they say is broken promptly and completely.

Budgeting indicators.

How much money are your customers really spending for your goods or services? Breaking down demographics in terms of how many consumers are willing to pay top dollar for your products can be a total game-changer for your profit margin.

Analyze who spends full price consistently, who waits for sales and discounts, and which products aren't doing well by segment so you can see which products are profit-makers, which products need repricing, and which products might need to be rebranded or discontinued entirely.

Once you've segmented your visitors by category, it's time to brainstorm the tools you need to use to message them perfectly. Link up with your IT staff, and work on pulling together home page optimization, filters, and revamped product page range layouts.

Work with your marketing team to spruce up your landing page features to make them more visually exciting and easier to navigate. Make a separate plan for each segment of your demographic and highlight individual areas on your website that will garner their attention.

Then, as the diverse parts of your audience find exactly what they want and need, watch your profits soar! Keep monitoring what they want and adjust your approach accordingly.