Pinterest used to be the social network for women looking to plan their weddings, find new recipes and attempt ambitious DIY projects.

However, Pinterest's user base is slowly beginning to diversify. According to the latest Pew Research, 71 percent of the social network's users are still women. Yet 73 percent more men are now using Pinterest compared to 2014. One-third of all new Pinterest registrations in 2015 have been men.

Right now, men are the fastest-growing demographic on Pinterest. While the U.S. shift seems minimal, there are currently more men on Pinterest than male readers of Sports Illustrated and GQ combined. Plus, in emerging Pinterest markets — India, Korea and Japan the user base is 50 percent men.

"It gives me a lot of confidence that over time even the U.S. may go to a much more balanced distribution," said Tim Kendall, Pinterest's head of product.

Capitalize on this early trend before your competitors do. Discover how men use the platform differently than women and three simple ways to market to men on Pinterest.

Pinterest habits of men vs. women

There's one big difference between how men and women use Pinterest, according to Edison Research. Women use the platform to dream, while men use it to take action.

Female Pinterest users focus on pinning products, recipes and crafts for ideas they like. In essence, they're using the platform to get ideas and inspiration. Conversely, men use Pinterest more systemically. Their pins are items they intend to buy or places they truly will visit.

Marketing to men has a big payoff as more of their pins will result in direct sales.

3 ways to market to men on Pinterest

Based on the gender of your Pinterest profile, you'll see different search results. During sign-up, different popular topics and users are shown, depending on gender.

Sign up for a new Pinterest account, identify as male and use this as a test account during the coming months.

1. Search within your industry.

Currently, the most popular categories for male Pinterest users are:

  • Men's apparel
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Gardening
  • Recipes
  • Gadgets
  • Design
  • Luxury cars
  • Tattoos
  • Camping

Could your product or brand fit into one of these categories? Search these categories as well as a few of your most popular keywords to learn what male Pinterest users see. Also, check out the topics and most popular users suggested at sign-up.

Examine the top pins and those with the most repins. Identify what they have in common. Colors? Aesthetics? How are the products used? Price?

2. Pinpoint gender keywords to get found.

While you're researching, focus on the keywords in top pins. What terms continually appear in the top pins for your industry? Make note of these, and include them in your new male-centric pins and boards.

Also, Pinterest's Guided Search is a big help. These are the words that appear under the search bar on tiles to narrow your search.

3. Expand Pinterest boards to include male-targeted boards.

Using these keywords and best practices found during your research, create three male-centric boards. Pack these with keywords, and see how they perform.

Also, include prices and direct links using Rich Pins. Men want to see the price immediately since they're focused on buying now.