Everyone knows and loves the 1947 classic Christmas movie "Miracle on 34th Street." Some of us have even acknowledged the obvious lesson and get inspired by it each holiday season.

I love this film not just because I love classic movies, but also because of all the wonderful humanity and business lessons included. I watched "Miracle" last week with my focus strictly on lessons for business. There are so many simple, common-sense principles demonstrated. I've created a list of the ones that jumped out to me and included them below in the order they appear in the movie.

I hope as you watch this timeless, classic gem this season, you will also consider how it can help you in sales and business as well as your family and spiritual life. Enjoy!

  • Don't be drunk on the job. You'll be fired!
  • Be honest, helpful and put the customer's needs first, and they will be loyal to you.
  • Just because you are skeptical or don't believe something can be true doesn't mean it actually isn't. Open your mind and brainstorm with others.
  • People may be impressed by things you didn't expect.
  • If people don't believe in you at first, they just might after they see your actions and performance.
  • Be careful not to fire the employee the customers actually love.
  • Doing what's right always yields positive results in the long run.
  • Just because "it's always been done that way" doesn't mean it's the best way.
  • People want to do business with authentic, pleasant people they like.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing is extremely powerful.
  • Once you have a good idea or policy, your competition may jump on board with it, too.
  • Good employees with passion make all the difference for your company.
  • Authenticity equals a born salesman.
  • You can't "push your own toys" (agenda) and be successful. Help the customer get what they want.
  • There should be no high pressure in sales.
  • When someone believes in you, you can accomplish great things.
  • Keep fighting for what you know is right.
  • "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to." Keep believing.