For many of us, getting in shape is difficult, and staying in shape is even harder. We work so hard to get the results we want, only to lose those gains as soon as we get them.

Then there are those who get so frustrated they quit because they think they will never reach their fitness goals. It is estimated a whopping 50 percent of people who start exercising quit within the first six months.

Getting in shape seems to be getting more and more difficult, but why?

Being the best you can be is more than just 30-60 minutes of exercise. There are many factors that can hinder people from reaching their fitness goals:


Our society is built on convenience and making things as easy as possible. Thanks to technology, we can send a message to a person on the other side of the world instantaneously with our cellphones. Skype, FaceTime and other forms of communication make face-to-face interactions in real time. Food can be ready in minutes thanks to microwaves.

Unfortunately, the healthy food choices aren't so convenient. Vending machines are full of candy, chips and sugary sodas. Few of these machines have the fruit or other nutritious snacks our bodies need on a daily basis. Fast food restaurants are on every corner, and the majority of food on the menus are full of trans fats and unhealthy.


The majority of fast foods and junk foods are extremely cheap, while healthier food choices can be quite expensive. This puts a family on a budget in a difficult situation.

Unrealistic expectations

Many of us think once we start working out, the pounds will just melt off in a short amount of time. Others want to look like the celebrity they see in the magazine or on television. Some don't understand how hard they will have to work, which includes changing their diet, getting to bed a little earlier to get adequate rest, or simply making the time to exercise.

These (and many other) factors can stop the most enthusiastic person dead in their tracks if they aren't properly prepared to embark on their fitness journey. So now, the questions are: How do we become prepared? How can we stay motivated and reach our goals?

Change your mindset

One of the first things you must do is change your mindset. You must understand and accept the fact that the change you want takes time, and that change will not happen overnight. The effects of eating foods that are bad for us and living an unhealthy lifestyle can be reversed, but no one can predict when those changes will occur as each of us is different.

Patience is key, as well as staying focused on the long-term goal of being healthy.

Embrace the fitness lifestyle

Many people start an exercise program with the best intentions. They are determined to become healthy and reach their fitness goals. Unfortunately, many of them burn out and eventually quit altogether.

One reason is because fitness becomes their life, when it should be just a part of it. In other words, they are so focused on exercise they start to neglect other important areas of their life.

While exercise is important, don't forget about the other things that matter most: family, friends, career, etc. Remember, this is a lifestyle, and you're in it for the long haul.

Working out 60 minutes day, six days a week is a great goal, but not everyone can maintain that pace day after day, week after week, month after month. They want to, but their busy lifestyle won't allow it.

Looking at your exercise program as it is currently, can you maintain this workout routine for the rest of your life? If you can, great! If not, make the necessary changes so you can still work out and enjoy the other areas of your life.

Instead of six days a week, four might be a better option. Doing so will help minimize burnout, quitting altogether and allows for family and other responsibilities.

Having realistic expectations

While having the body of your favorite athlete or celebrity is a great goal, it's not realistic if they're 22 and you're 42. Our bodies change as we age, and it's simply not realistic to look like someone 15-20 years younger in most cases.

Another important factor to consider is a person's body type can also play a vital part in their physical transformation. Some of us are naturally lean with fast metabolisms (ectomorph), others are heavier with slower metabolisms (endomorph), and others are somewhere in the middle (mesomorph).

It's possible that two friends could do the exact same routine and have different results based on their body types. One person can see gains quickly while another person may take longer to see results, and this is perfectly normal.

Knowing your body type can help keep things in perspective and minimize comparisons with those who are not built the same as you.

It's what's inside that counts

While outward physical change is a good, the changes on the inside are just as important, if not more. Having a flat stomach and a toned body are great, but so is not having high blood pressure, diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Don't become so focused on the physical changes that you overlook the health benefits you could be receiving on the inside. You may not be able to see these changes, but the health benefits could improve your quality of life drastically.

Nature's medicine cabinet

The food we eat is the first line of defense against illness and disease. Our bodies are finely tuned machines that need optimum fuel to perform at their best, and that means eating nutritious, healthy foods daily.

Instead of eating foods that keep our immune systems strong like fruits, vegetables, nuts and herbs, the majority of our calories come from fast food and foods high in fat, sodium and sugar.

Burgers, cakes, cookies, soda and alcoholic beverages may taste good, but they can be hazardous to our health. Eating these unhealthy foods increases our risk of getting various diseases like cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes. As a result, a person will have to take expensive medicines to combat these illnesses.

It's time we change our mindset when it comes to food. Yes, the healthier foods are expensive, but so are the medicines we are forced to take if we become sick. Eating the healthier and more expensive foods now may prevent a person from having to take expensive medicines later.

Becoming fit may be difficult, but it's not impossible. A few changes in your mindset and your lifestyle can help you reach all your fitness goals in due time.