In today's workforce, both leaders and managers each have important roles to play in making sure work gets done.

Leaders are the influencers who are there to help grow and inspire others. Managers are administrators who make sure that the organization is running smoothly. As Peter Drucker states, "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."

In most companies these two officials are usually at odds with each other over just about anything that can affect the inner workings of a business. For example, the leader ensures policy and procedures are written, while the manager will make certain they are carried out. By collaborating on what methods are used, can be the formula of accomplishment for all parties, but especially for the organization.

So how can these different types of executives work in conjunction with each other for the success for all involved? Let's take a look at three key aspects.

1. Communication

Good communication is one of the hardest things to achieve in business. There will always be differences of opinion at every organization, especially between leaders and managers. Leaders will usually want to implement a certain process with a particular outcome, while managers will want to have more specifics and statistics to determine how to achieve that goal.

The aim of good communication should be more alignment with the mission and vision of the organization. To achieve this, leaders can be more adaptable, while managers can use more of a personal approach in getting their point across.

Listening to each other is the best way to reach agreement when there is an impasse. Another good way is for each to write the pros and cons about the subject. This process helps each party to understand what is at really at stake. By negotiating, all parties can realize results.

2. Strengths

Leaders and managers each bring their own strengths to the table. Leaders are the go-getters, and are driven by policy. Managers are task-oriented and more hands on in their work. By each understanding the other's strengths, there will be a greater impact toward the goals of the organization.

Time and time again, knowing both who you are and also who is around you will give both leaders and managers a greater advantage in the workplace. They can also help each other in the growth of their careers, which will lead to a greater sense of trust when there are difficulties that each business has to overcome.

3. Values

Doing it right and doing it the right way is what leadership and management is all about. Leaders will try to do the best for their employees, while managers do what is in the best interest of the organization. By combining their efforts, they both can set themselves apart but also be principled in the way things are handled.

Having a set of values helps all parties within the workforce have a better understanding of where they should be going. It is harder when there is not a value system — not just from the leaders or managers, but from the organization itself. The workforce will follow a leader with values or a manager that promotes character, and this will encourage all.

Finally, both leaders and managers have a responsibility not just to themselves, but to the people they serve. It is not just enough to say "I am a leader" or "I am a manager." Through cooperation, good decisions and trust, leaders and managers can make all the difference in the world as to whether the organization has a real fighting chance.