An adventure that neither classes nor professors can provide, the internship proves invaluable in terms of gaining real-world experience. Interns discover how to take initiative, how to interact with people in a workplace and how to utilize mistakes and obstacles as a launching pad for personal and professional growth.

An internship can prove of utmost value, bolstering your resume and serving as the ultimate bridge between school and work. With this in mind, how can you take full advantage of your internship?

1. Do your homework before the first day.

Research the company or organization you will be training at and serving during the internship.

Does the company do something you are passionate about? Does the company culture and the values the company upholds align with your own standards and personal brand? Would interning with the company strengthen your path to professional success?

All of these carry significant weight in determining which internship is right for you.

2. Take your internship seriously.

Once you join the company, approach it as a real job. An internship is a privilege — an opportunity to earn experience, respect and knowledge and should be treated as such.

3. Follow company code and develop a passion for your work.

Adhere to company standards but following the rules, alone, is not enough. Passion is not something that can be "learned," but it can be fostered. Approach the work you do with a certain fervency be teachable, demonstrate interest and develop ambition.

This is not to say you should be overly eager or quasi-curious, but you should recognize that what the company does is important and of value. This recognition should make itself evident in your attitude, behavior, work and performance.

4. Inquire fearlessly, learn from your mistakes and ask for feedback.

Curiosity and willingness to learn from your mentor(s) should lead you to ask questions, for help when needed and for feedback, consistently. Without feedback, you cannot progress. Take initiative, but accept and take advantage of guidance. In addition, you should aim to be both assertive and respectful, simultaneously.

5. Manage your time and challenge yourself.

Strive to improve your time management, and constantly challenge yourself to not only do good work, but to always do better. "Satisfactory" or "acceptable" is not enough, and it is not something you should aim to be in your performance, or produce in your work.

6. Record your accomplishments.

Building a personal portfolio is extremely important, and recording your commendations and successes throughout the internship helps increase your marketability and understanding of the worth of the internship itself. Not only will this allow you to see growth over time, but it will also serve as a platform and defense if you wish to make a case for permanent employment at the organization.

7. Socialize (with a filter), network and use resources to your advantage.

Finally, in order to take full advantage of your internship, you should be yourself, within boundaries. With an entire company at your fingertips, you must take advantage of your resources.

Be sociable within limits, of course engage employees, higher-ups and company leaders and network. Communicate, be flexible and use what the internship has provided you to its full advantage.

Be humble, but confident. Be bold, but teachable. Be eager to learn and passionate about what you're doing. Invest yourself in your internship, and work your hardest to do your best.