If you're tired of your hiring process taking three months from start to finish, that's a perfectly reasonable way to feel. These processes take up a ton of time and resources, and you need those seats filled immediately.

If you want to cut the bulk out of your hiring process and throw your talented hires right into training, it may help to view the situation differently. Convention isn't always the best way to go — innovating the process can help you find astounding candidates in record time.

1. Write an accurate job description

If your job description is too vague, it may rope in people who think they're applying for something completely different. Leaving your job description too general is not only wasting the time of your applicants, but it's also wasting yours.

Be specific about what you’re looking for in a candidate. It will be easy to recognize whether candidates are truly a potential fit for the position when they apply simply based on whether they address your criteria in their response. You'll have fewer irrelevant resumes to sort through.

2. Go directly to the source

If you know you want recent grads, advertise your openings on college campuses. If you need a specific kind of professional, post your ad on a forum that those kinds of professionals tend to frequent.

Casting a wide net will get you attention, but it won't necessarily get you attention from the people you're trying to reach. Tailor your avenues to the job for better results and faster responses.

3. Target your desired candidates

If you see a candidate on a professional network like LinkedIn who is seeking employment and seems to be a good fit for the position you have open, consider contacting that individual directly.

A personal message that details the qualities you appreciate about this candidate and the ways you believe a relationship with your company would be mutually beneficial might be able to help you cut out the whole lead-in to the application process.

4. Speed up your interviews

When you're trying to devote an entire day specifically to interviews, a lot of things will need to be moved around. If scheduling and logistics are part of the reasons your hiring process takes so long, it's worth attempting to circumvent them.

Rather than trying to rearrange an entire week, try to rearrange an hour or two for a few days. Prioritize interviews with candidates who seem the most promising, and take care of those interviews first.

5. Don't wait

When you're sure you've found the right candidate, you can't afford to let that person get away. If you drag your feet trying to prepare a job offer, your competitors might get to that person first.

The most promising candidates won't wait around forever there are plenty of other companies who would love to have them just as much as you would, and they'll get them if you don't move quickly. When you know a candidate is the right fit, don’t hesitate. The faster you act, the faster you can begin to work together.

The sooner you complete your hiring process, the sooner things can go back to normal. Business as usual sure seems boring on the surface, but it's a whole lot easier to manage than a drawn out hiring cycle. It's possible to aim for both speed and quality, and that's exactly what you should be doing.