As a digital marketer, you are no doubt trying to get into the heads of your consumers as much as you possibly can. Reality check: you might be misreading them if you stick to customer feedback alone. Taking a deeper dive into the overall ways consumers think online can yield some pretty surprising insights — insights you can use to boost your bottom line, and give your customers what they truly seek. Use these science-driven tips to reboot your strategies as your company expands post-pandemic, and enjoy more success than ever:

Know that most of your customers don't automatically trust social media in the first place.

With so much talk about misinformation campaigns and fakery on various platforms these days, it's easy to assume that consumers are buying into the hype in huge numbers. Yet, a study from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development found that the concept of "nudging" people to factual information by spotlighting accurate content without banning more questionable material could be a true truth boon. Your audience is intelligent and discerning — always let them know clearly that you respect their intelligence by filling your copy across your feeds with straight-up pricing and product details, no hyperbole or unnecessary bells and whistles.

Know your customers use their sense of humor online.

A study from Victoria Goodyear at the University of Birmingham found that many teenage boys who access information on how to stay healthy on social media do so without risking body image issues--because they use humor and irony to take questionable or negative info they read with a grain of salt. The takeaway here: your audience thinks more critically than you might give them credit for. Incorporate ironic humor in your marketing campaigns to give them a wink — they'll appreciate it.

Know that "confessionals" can be very powerful for consumers.

A study from the University of Gottenburg by Magdalena Petersson McIntyre found that female "housewife: bloggers on digital media rack up sales by "performing" personal issues and sharing private struggles in an inauthentic ways. Your audience feels empathy and wants to reward those who appear to need it — never exploit this very humane and kind quality for your own benefit.

Know that your customers want to like what you have to offer.

Your audience isn't setting out to pick your products apart, despite what online reviews may appear to show. If your product is terrific, it will rise to the top — so focus on quality, then you won't have to worry about people discussing your brand's shortcomings online.

Know that your customers want you to surprise them.

Consistency is key when it comes to quality, yes. But don't be afraid to tweak your products, or even to take on bold reinvention strategies. Consumers love growth, change, a sense of variety — it's OK to change things up and to freshen their opinion of you. Don't be afraid of what's new — embrace different strategies, and your sales will soar!