As a marketer seeking recovery for your brand as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the nation, it's essential to adopt the right mindset. It's perfectly logical that you want to come out strong in terms of digital communication right out of the gate and ensure the start of a robust profit recovery.
Slow your roll, though — the last thing you want to do right now is read the tea leaves wrong and alienate your existing customer base and potential clientele.
How can you best use up-to-date stats and market conditions to your advantage? Ensuring that your products and services will satisfy your demographics means that you should not…
Take your audience's emotional temperature incorrectly.
What does your audience really feel comfortable spending for now in terms of necessities? Are segments of your audience craving treats or feel-good purchases yet? These are the kinds of questions you need to ask them before crafting your campaign.
The last thing you want to do is appear frivolous. Don't pitch in a way that's inconsiderate or impractical in terms of your demo's desires and purchase intentions. At the same time, if you do discover your customers are interested in a bit of comfort buying, tactfully letting them know about your product offerings outside of the essentials category is OK.
Price too high out of the gate.
Facebook's recent "State of Small Business Report" finds that 40% of SMBs say their cash outflow is greater than cash inflow. Your customers are going to undoubtedly fall into that demographic, so the last thing you want to do is alienate them with high mark-ups.
Accept the fact that you're going to move products and services slowly at the outset no matter what approach you take in terms of marketing outreach. Then, offer discounting to get the ball rolling and monitor sales on a constant, granular basis so you know how to price effectively and accurately as time passes.
Overestimate your stock resources.
Forty percent of owner-managed small businesses surveyed in the Facebook report also state they're facing supply chain challenges. Avoid back order nightmares that will frustrate your customers through strategic planning and honest messaging.
Get the true picture of what your vendors can really deliver and when they can deliver it — no guesswork or finger-crossing, just the facts. If you're faced with an unexpected shortage, get out in front of it by alerting your customers and clients ASAP and be as specific as you can in terms of adjusted restocking dates.
Avoid radio advertising.
According to Nielsen stats, 28% of people surveyed are saying they are listening to more radio than they did before the pandemic, and 42% of listeners say radio is helping them to cope through it. Don't overlook this unexpectedly mighty resource.
Buy ads now, when pricing is potentially favorable to your budget, and create some clear, engaging 30-second spots ASAP. Start getting new consumers familiar with your brand through hearing about it multiple times a day, and they'll want to check out what you've got to offer.
Be tone-deaf in your messaging.
Don't be negative, condescending or disrespectful to your competitors in any form of ad content. Don't minimize the ongoing impact of the pandemic on our world or try to pretend it never happened.
Solidarity is the theme you need to continuously convey. "We're all in this together" is not only the message you want to give your customers now — it's the way your brand needs to do business for the foreseeable future. Inclusive and compassionate language and images are the right approach to take to both maintain and expand your audience now. Lead with goodness and positivity and you can't go wrong!