If you track your online Yelp or Google Review conversions, you already know how much online reviews impact your business. Online reviews have the power to boost your brand and drive sales. Or they can drive sales away from your business.

In fact, 90 percent of consumers read online reviews. That number trends even higher when shoppers are making an expensive purchase, such as a laptop or television.

Whether you're an e-commerce site or a brick-and-mortar store, online reviews are just as important. 52 percent of individuals said positive reviews make them more likely to use a local business.

Plus, 88 percent of customers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. When you have excellent reviews, cited as four or five stars, shoppers are likely to spend 31 percent more.

On the flip side, 86 percent of shoppers will hesitate to purchase if your business has negative online reviews. A single negative Yelp review can cost you up to 30 customers. If you can gain one more star on Yelp, you'll see a 5 to 9 percent increase in your revenue.

Negative or positive, customers only find reviews relevant for three months. For reviews to have the most impact, you need to constantly be gaining new reviews.

Here are three ways to gain more online reviews of your business.

1. Just ask

The absolute best way to get more online reviews? Ask your customers.

If you're an online business and mail out a receipt, send an email 24-48 hours after they've received their product asking for a review. Personalize this, and it will make a world of difference. Mention the product they bought, their name and any personal interaction you had with them, too.

Tell them how much a review would mean to you and your business. Be sincere. Be kind. Be thankful. Then, link to your top review site, and sign it with a personal name and photo. Ideally, this should look like it's coming from your brand's leader or a local manager.

If you run a physical store, you don't want to ask every customer for a review. If you do, it'll begin to sound disingenuous. Instead, ask customers who seem interested in your business. If they're especially friendly, a regular or have a lot to say about your business, encourage them to share their opinion online, too.

2. Integrate reviews into your business

How you go about this is entirely up to you. Put a Trip Advisor or Yelp sticker on your door or menu. Put a review section (and update it often) on your website. Add a "review us on Yelp" badge to your website.

Your goal is to remind customers how important reviews are to you while finding the best way for your business to generate more reviews. Is it an automated email campaign? A coupon if you leave an online review (positive or negative)? A QR code at the end of all your receipts?

Find what works for your business and run with it.

3. Respond to all reviews

52 percent of customers want to hear back from a brand within a week if they left a review.

Responding to online reviews will make reviewers feel like you heard them. Plus, other potential reviewers and could-be customers will see that you genuinely listen to your customers. That could be the incentive they need to try your store or leave a review.