Summer’s winding down and the fall is taking over discussions. In this short lull before the chaos of programs starting back up, it’s a good time to decide you’ll do certain things and put others on a don’t list.

The church communicator juggles a ton of responsibilities, and our personalities are different from others we work with. That means we can go crazy if we aren’t careful!

Here are do’s and don’ts to remain sane in our crazy communication world:

Do stop trying to please everyone.

While producing creative materials, you can convince yourself that you can make everyone happy. But it can’t be done.

Instead, concentrate on audience response as your goal. And focus on pleasing yourself with the satisfaction of doing the best you can.

Do establish organization and schedule.

Set realistic expectations for deliverables and commit to being on time. Develop a regular, personal schedule and understand when you’re most productive and protect that time.

And organize everything! Name Photoshop layers, create easy to find folder systems, and never put something down (in your office or on the desktop); always put things away.

Do set boundaries.

You (with a friend or spouse) need to decide reasonable parameters, or else you’ll risk losing yourself in your job.

Next? Discuss them kindly with your boss. Agree or compromise with the plan — or perhaps (sadly) you should be looking for another job (or career).

Do show interest in others and be kind.

You probably think about your job 24/7 (I even dream about it!). Stop.

Instead, think about ministries all around you. Pray for them. Ask their leaders questions. Get involved. Make your job about serving them. And in the hectic pace; always, always be kind.

Do know why you exist in the church.

Not in the local church you serve; instead, know how you help the Kingdom. What would happen if you didn’t exist? You do have value!

God has uniquely gifted you to be part of His plan — understand it and write it down. Review it regularly.

Don’t let your job affect your faith.

Many become disillusioned in their role to the point that they want to leave their job and the church. Your faith is more important than your job.

Be willing to walk away from the job, but not your faith. Work as much on your faith as you do your job.

Don’t be negative.

Ever. You can say no without being negative. If you can’t, you need to adjust your thoughts.

Don’t think you’re alone.

Work as a team with everyone and seek collaboration often. Realize there are thousands doing what you’re doing. Learn from them and others.

Don’t allow others to rob your joy.

This required mindset is more about seeking to understand others rather than to be offended by them. Most don’t do it vindictively!

Don’t compare.

Nothing good comes from comparison. You either get prideful or fall into despair. Do the best with what you have and check audience responses (to realize success).