Monica Maxwell
Articles by Monica Maxwell
Eliminate the pain of performance evaluations in your clinic
Tuesday, July 28, 2015Performance evaluations are easily one of the most dreaded practices of management, probably right after terminations and discussions about body odor. This is no different in the veterinary clinic. They are so dreaded, in fact, I get emails at least weekly titled "Get Rid of Performance Reviews for Good!" with the same general look of the ads on the Internet that say "Earn $5,000 a Week Working Part-time from Home!"
5 tips for honing your soft skills as a veterinary manager
Monday, July 13, 2015According to Harvard Business School professors Rakesh Khurana and Nitin Nohria, being a manager in and of itself is not a profession. Why? Rakesh and Nitin argue that "true professions have codes of conduct, and the meaning and consequences of those codes are taught as part of the formal education of their members." And, they contended, "unlike doctors and lawyers," managers don't "adhere to a universal and enforceable code of conduct."
10 tips for getting hired in veterinary medicine
Monday, April 13, 2015The market for veterinary jobs can be competitive. You may have the skills and education necessary to perform the job duties, but are you armed with the right skills to ace the interview and land the job? Here is a look at 10 tips for getting hired in veterinary medicine.
How to hire a veterinarian
Tuesday, February 24, 2015When I tell people I work at a veterinary clinic, their response has led me to conclude that they think I spend my day playing with puppies and kittens. While singing. After having bluebirds help me get dressed in the morning.