Michael Krasman
UrbanBound, a cloud-based Relocation Management Software company that is reshaping the way employers offer and administer relocation benefits to their employees.
Michael Krasman is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded five high-growth businesses over his 15-year career. He is currently the CEO and co-founder of Articles by Michael Krasman
Employee relocation costs: What to consider
Tuesday, June 18, 2019Does your company have an employee relocation program? If not, you’re undoubtedly wondering if you should; if so, you’re undoubtedly wondering how to make it more cost-effective. There’s no question: relocation benefits can be expensive. Case in point: it can cost nearly $100,000 to relocate an established employee who owns a home! Move just a few people and costs add up fast. Yet, nearly two-thirds of U.S. employers have relocation programs in place for one excellent reason: it’s crucial to attracting and retaining top talent.