Lisa Altieri is a medical student at UCLA. She is an aspiring dermatologist, and her interests include teledermatology, infectious diseases and tropical medicine. Contact her at
Belinda Tan, M.D., Ph.D., is a member of the American Telemedicine Association and a teledermatologist and dermatopathologist with
Direct Dermatology. Direct Dermatology is a teledermatology service company that was founded as a response to the acute shortage of dermatology care for patients with skin conditions. Contact her at
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
​Spring break usually marks an opportunity for enjoying time off from our daily work. For a group of UCLA medical students and three attending physicians, the 10-day break was an opportunity to extend primary medical care to people in need. In April, the group traveled to Haiti where they volunteered medical services to communities in and around the capital city of Port-au-Prince.