Kaylee Nelson
Articles by Kaylee Nelson
Valentine’s Day: Fast facts from the heart
Friday, February 10, 2017Ah, sweet Valentine's Day. Loved by some, hated by others, Feb. 14 is unavoidably well-known in America to anyone who shops for groceries, surfs the web or just likes chocolate. Despite not being a true national holiday in any country, the popular date calls for the celebration of love — in many forms and fashion.
Co-creator of Whole30 introduces ‘Food Freedom Forever’
Thursday, October 13, 2016"It is not hard. Don't you dare tell us this is hard,” Melissa Hartwig, co-creator of the Whole30 program, told the audience Tuesday. "Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard."
Infographic: What you should know about Cinco de Mayo
Monday, May 02, 2016The observance of Cinco de Mayo is upon us, but that doesn't just mean fiestas and margaritas. Much like St. Patrick's Day, the holiday is celebrated much more heavily in the U.S. than in its country of origin. However, it still holds meaning and honor for the Mexican and Mexican-American population. It is a day full of tradition, varying festivities and a misunderstood history.
Infographic: How much do you know about St. Patrick’s Day?
Wednesday, March 09, 2016March 17 marks the day that all ancestral backgrounds come together to be Irish for 24 hours. We love painting the town on this day of debauchery, or at least wearing green while eating some cabbage. But do we know why we're celebrating or how St. Patrick's Day came to be?
Infographic: The evolution of Black Friday
Thursday, November 19, 2015The amount of coupon emails being delivered to your inbox has tripled. The windows at your usual shopping spots are plastered with "SALE" posters. You’re desperately racking your brain of your kitchen inventory, wondering if the two panini makers you already have is enough.
Infographic: Follow these tips for marketing on LinkedIn
Thursday, September 24, 2015We all know about the popularity of social media marketing, but have you noticed the desert of abandoned company pages? You know, the ones that haven't been updated since May of 2012. While creating a page is the first step to social connectivity, maintaining your presence is even more important.
Infographic: Follow these tips for marketing on Twitter
Friday, September 18, 2015We all know about the popularity of social media marketing among businesses and organizations. But have you noticed the desert of abandoned company pages created out of FOBO (fear of being offline)? You know, the ones that haven't been updated since May of 2012. While creating a page is the first step to social connectivity, maintaining your presence is even more important. But knowing what kind of presence to establish can be an understandable challenge.
Infographic: Follow these tips for marketing on Facebook
Thursday, September 10, 2015We all know about the popularity of social media marketing among businesses and organizations. But have you noticed the desert of abandoned company pages created out of FOBO (fear of being offline)? You know, the ones that haven't been updated since May of 2012.
Infographic: Why you should be marketing with social media
Thursday, March 19, 2015For as long as there have been businesses, there has been the promotion of those businesses. Business owners have always faced the challenge of how to get new customers through the door. Thus, the concept of marketing is not a new one — but the methods in how to do so are constantly evolving. First, it was catalogs and print ads, then radio and television, then static websites — and finally social media.