John Mason He holds an MSc in cyber-security from Northumbria University and has experience working as a security analyst for IBM. John has written for publications like Tripwire, StaySafeOnline, DigitalGuardian, and Educause.
John Mason is the founder of Articles by John Mason
Infographic: How do Americans feel about online privacy?
Friday, August 24, 2018It appears that the majority of Americans fear attacks by hackers, while 26 percent are worried about the collection of their data from major corporations. Another underlying fear of many Americans is a general mistrust in key institutions to protect their data. Due to the deluge of data breaches in 2017 and 2018, people feel as if it’s only a matter of time before their data is exposed to cyberattackers. However valid those fears may be, Americans still take no precautionary steps to protect their data, which begs the question: What will it take for Americans to prioritize internet security?