Jennifer Johnson
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Jennifer Johnson is the director of communications for a large church in western Pennsylvania. She enjoys spreading the knowledge of what she's learned and sharing experiences through successes and failures within her role as an advertiser, marketer, graphic designer, Web designer and all around church communicator. Jennifer is very familiar with the insides of a church — she's a PK (preacher’s kid) and has grown up in the church environment. Her educational background is in graphic design and communications. You can reach Jennifer on Articles by Jennifer Johnson
Church communication: Why bother?
Thursday, January 22, 2015I receive a plethora of advertising and marketing materials related to "church communication" on a daily basis. They arrive via email, Facebook, direct mail, in person and by other media avenues. With all of those outlets constantly reminding me how to do something the "right way," it's easy to push aside why being a church communicator is important.
Church communication: A brave new world
Wednesday, December 10, 2014Do you remember attending church and only having a paper bulletin and an announcement from the pulpit as your main avenue of finding out what was going on? That wasn't all that long ago, but my how times have changed.