Jason Zigmont
Articles by Jason Zigmont
Understanding the CHSE and CHSOS test blueprints
Monday, February 23, 2015You've decided you want to be a CHSE or CHSOS, now you need to understand the exam and the test blueprint. Everyone wants to know "what's on the test," and the blueprint has the answers. That being said, you need to know both how test blueprints are made and used to guide your studying.
CHSE, CHSOS, CHSE-A: Where do I start for simulation certification?
Monday, February 16, 2015The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) now has more than 450 people certified at the CHSE, CHSOS and CHSE-A levels. At the same time, there are hundreds (if not thousands) more who don't know where to start or why they even should be certified. My goal here is to give you an idea of which certification may fit you best, and how to get started.