Jackie Van Dyke
Jackie Van Dyke is a paralegal/senior specialist for Goodwill Industries International, Inc., in Rockville, Maryland. She specializes in trademark and brand protection and assists with litigation matters. Jackie is also an instructional assistant in The George Washington University (GWU) College of Professional Studies Paralegal Program, teaching legal research and writing, litigation and government contract law. She earned a Paralegal Certificate in general litigation from the University of San Diego, a B.A in political science from California State University, and her master's degree in paralegal studies from GWU. Jackie is a member of NALA and the National Capital Area Paralegal Association (NCAPA) in the Washington, D.C., metro area. She is currently studying for the NALA Certified Paralegal exam. Jackie can be reached at jvandyke@a-paralegal.com.
Articles by Jackie Van Dyke
Keeping up with the changing landscape of trade secret legislation
Monday, September 26, 2016While companies are becoming more adept at securing data, cybersecurity remains a monumental challenge. Given the vastness of the internet, the ever-increasing practice of employing remote-based workers, the ease with which secure information can be transferred to a USB flash drive, and the unmonitored use of mobile devices, corporate espionage is on the rise.