Denny Hydrick
Articles by Denny Hydrick
Networking: A new form of training for facilities engineers
Tuesday, October 13, 20152015 is 75 percent over. Our facilities engineering and maintenance staffs have faced typical, albeit in some cases magnified, situations. But this article is not about weather or global warming or climate change.
Why be efficient and productive in a maintenance organization?
Wednesday, January 21, 2015When your team is manufacturing widgets, it is a must to be efficient and productive, isn't it? The more widgets we make, the more sales are up. The more sales are up, the more the company makes. The more the company makes, then better the chances of long-term employment for you.
How to advance your facilities career
Thursday, March 06, 2014You are a good employee and you are good at your job, how then do you advance your career? Our fathers and forefathers told us hard work and honesty will be rewarded. Here's my simple answer: Do more!
AHR Expo highlights important trends in HVAC&R industry
Friday, January 31, 2014I recently attended the AHR Expo 2014 in New York City along with several thousand more freezing souls. The show is co-sponsored by AHRI and ASHRAE, which is obviously pointed towards HVAC professionals, many of whom are employed in some type of facility (vs. construction or service companies). This fact alone made the Association for Facilities Engineering presence almost a necessity.
Facility maintenance does not have to be a 4-letter word
Thursday, January 02, 2014Diet is a quintessential "four-letter word" — a phrase that in years past often referred to expletives. Obviously that's a joke, but dieting to most people is no laughing matter. Why? Because first of all they require the resolve to begin and, secondly, a lifestyle change. Without these elements, diets almost always fail. Within our industry, we have our own set of "four-letter words," although most are known by acronyms. Like diets, these too take a certain resolve to start implementing or tracking and, perhaps most importantly, they require the lifestyle change, referred to as a culture change.