Chuck Swoboda
The Innovator’s Spirit: Discover the Mindset to Pursue the Impossible" (Fast Company, May 5, 2020). Learn more at
Chuck Swoboda is Innovator-in-Residence at Marquette University, President of Cape Point Advisors and retired Chairman and CEO of Cree, Inc. He is co-inventor on more than 25 patents covering LEDs and lighting technology, and has over 30 years of experience in the technology business. Additionally, he is an author, speaker and host of the “Innovators on Tap” podcast. His new book is "Articles by Chuck Swoboda
How to build a team of innovators
Wednesday, May 20, 2020As increasing competition, new technologies and evolving customer expectations continue to disrupt nearly every industry, business leaders are turning to innovation as a way to keep their companies relevant. The standard solution is to create teams that focus explicitly on innovation. The problem? Most of these teams struggle to innovate, often delivering incremental improvements at best. Simply telling a team to focus on innovation won't suffice. You need to thoughtfully select people with the right mindset for the team.