Christian Castillo
Articles by Christian Castillo
Infographic: Robots in the construction industry
Wednesday, May 27, 2020The robots are coming, but instead of taking over our jobs, they're more likely to help us become much more productive. The construction industry is a prime example of this; since construction is one of the most dangerous industries to work in, automating many of the jobs can make the work environment much safer. In fact, it's already started, ranging from drones improving safety on a worksite to a humanoid robot from NASA, the Valkyrie, made to withstand the harsh vacuum of space and help us travel the stars.
Infographic: 15 things that can be hacked in your life
Friday, January 10, 2020Before, all we had to do was install antivirus software, and we'd be safe from anything online. But thanks to the internet of things, computers and credit cards aren't the only things that can be hacked. Everything from cranes on a construction site to the fridge in your home can be accessed by a malicious hacker. Education is the first line of defense, however, and this infographic will show you a list of some of the most hackable things in your life right now.