Charlotte Bohnett
Articles by Charlotte Bohnett
Time to pony up: The secret to collections letters that work
Friday, April 24, 2015Thanks to mobster movies, we all fear the repercussions of unpaid debt. While receiving a past-due notice isn't quite the same as a meathead pummeling you, both methods of money collection deliver swift blows. After all, bills often fall into the land of overdue not because we were lazy, but because we didn't have any money.
Beware of ICD-10 shortcuts: The case against crosswalking
Monday, March 02, 2015ICD-10 is inherently more sophisticated and specific than ICD-9, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's more complicated. So, why are healthcare professionals pulling their hair out over the mandatory transition to these new codes? Because learning ICD-10 is like learning a new language.
The state of consolidation in outpatient PT
Friday, February 06, 2015During PPS 2014 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the industry's heaviest hitters — now backed by private equity dollars — strolled about the trade show floor, introducing themselves to clinic owners and negotiating acquisition deals right then and there. This anecdote provides a mere glimpse into a trend sweeping the healthcare industry: consolidation. Healthcare services have always been in high demand, but with 8,000 baby boomers reaching retirement age every day, the healthcare market has never been more saturated with consumers — and that makes private practice acquisition a highly lucrative investment move for qualified buyers.
What is direct access, and why should PTs care?
Friday, October 17, 2014In popular culture, the word "access" implies exclusivity — like a backstage pass to a rock concert or high-level clearance to government files. When it comes to direct access to physical therapy, however, the opposite is true.
Show, don’t tell: The PT’s guide to visuals on social media
Friday, October 03, 2014In college, I took my fair share of creative-writing courses, and every instructor's favorite prescription for effective writing was, "Show, don't tell." Now, as I examine the evolution of social media, those words ring even truer than they did when I was scribbling my way through sonnet stanzas.
Measuring matters: Key metrics for PT marketing and sales
Monday, July 07, 2014Sales or marketing skills only matter to a business if that business understands the value those skills provide. More succinctly, sales or marketing only matter if they work, and the only way you'll know if they're working is if you measure them.
How to rate your current physical therapy billing system
Friday, June 20, 2014If claims go out the door and money comes back in, you assume your accounts receivable — your billing — and all of its associated systems, processes and software are totally fine. But how do you genuinely know whether you’re doing a good job? Here are some tips for scoring your current billing system.
Why marketing and sales go hand‑in‑hand
Friday, May 16, 2014The private practice rehab industry loves to talk marketing. We all scour the Internet for ways to improve referral marketing, online marketing and print marketing. But clinic directors, managers and therapists alike seem to adamantly avoid or abhorrently oppose anything related to sales. I'm here to say we absolutely shouldn't. More importantly, we can't.
ICD-10: Fact or fiction
Friday, April 04, 2014As with any major change, the rumor mill churns at a mighty pace. With all the hearsay, telephone games and disbursement of misinformation, it's easy for the myths to swallow the truth. No worries, though; we're here to sort the fact from the fiction when it comes to the latest information on ICD-10.
What to look for in a front office staff
Friday, March 28, 2014As a clinic director or owner, you know that strategic hiring plays a key role in the success of your practice. But are you applying this knowledge to your front office staff hires?
17 of the most specific, bizarre ICD-10 codes
Friday, February 28, 2014Come October, healthcare professionals will go from using the library of 13,000 codes in ICD-9 to that of 68,000 in ICD-10. As The New York Times explains, the new code set “allows for much greater detail than the existing code [set], ICD-9, in describing illnesses, injuries and treatment procedures. That could allow for improved tracking of public health threats and trends, and better analysis of the effectiveness of various treatments.”
Valentine’s Day woes? There’s an ICD-10 code for that
Friday, February 07, 2014No holiday is without unfortunate incidents — not even the lovey, dovey Valentine's Day. No matter what goes awry, though, trust that there's an ICD-10 code for it.
Resistance is futile: Why you should embrace ICD-10
Friday, January 24, 2014The thought of transitioning to ICD-10 and its 68,000 diagnosis codes might have you shaking in your boots. You might also be doing anything in your power to deny the inevitable — possibly to the point of eschewing any of the noted benefits of ICD-10. But before you pooh-pooh 10 and say ICD-9 is just fine, hear me — and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services — out. Look at all these drawbacks of ICD-9.
Social media etiquette
Friday, September 27, 2013Social media has been around for a while, but corporate presence on such platforms is still relatively new and continually evolving. As such, companies still have plenty of lessons to learn. We’ve all seen the news articles about brands committing major faux paus online, and sadly, these companies could have avoided most, if not all, of these blunders. It’s not too late for you, though.