Brian Stack and Erica Stack
Erica L. Stack is a mother of five, a teacher, a mindfulness and meditation coach, and a reiki practitioner. She received her BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and her M.Ed. in Special Education from Lesley University in Boston. She is currently an elementary school special education teacher in the Raymond, N.H. School District.
Articles by Brian Stack and Erica Stack
Bringing mindfulness into the classroom
Monday, December 02, 2019Imagine arriving home from work each day and being confronted with tasks to complete as soon as you walk through the door. As adults, we typically have a little bit of time to "decompress" after a long day. Now more than ever, in a society where we are expected to be executing one task while simultaneously thinking of the next one, we as adults need time to be mindful. Children are rarely afforded these mindful opportunities, and that needs to change. They often sit on a loud bus, enter their classroom, and are expected to get right to their morning work.
To play or not to play: The value of recess in schools
Monday, February 01, 2016​Parents of today want their children to be the best, the fastest and the smartest. In pursuit of meeting these goals, many schools have added more time for instruction and testing for core content areas. The added time often comes at the expense of recess, physical education, and many other forms of movement breaks and activities. As parents of five children under the age of 10, we see the impact of this shift in our own community school each and every day.