Bob Harris and Ben Graybar

Bob Harris, CAE, provides free governance tools and templates at The NonProfit Center. He is on the faculty for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and has worked in Amman, Jordan, Tokyo, Japan, Kiev, Ukraine and Minsk, Belarus to help organizations. Bob received “Association Partner of the Year” award from Association Trends Magazine in 2012, and he has authored books on association management. To improve management he created the Association Self-Auditing Process, used by more than 20,000 organizations. He believes that nonprofit organizations should be as efficient as any commercial business.

Ben Graybar

Ben Graybar is a commercial banker and has board experience with Big Brothers – Big Sisters, 211 Big Bend, Sunrise Rotary, Capital City Kiwanis, Turn About, Sustainable Tallahassee, Institute for Nonprofit Innovation & Excellence, and Leadership Tallahassee.