Anthony Milla
CIP Brevard. Founded in 1984, The College Internship Program (CIP) is a comprehensive program that helps young adults with autism and learning differences succeed in college, employment, and independent living. CIP operates five year-round and summer programs across the U.S.
Anthony Milla is the Lead Life Skills Coordinator at Articles by Anthony Milla
4 critical success factors for transitioning to independent living
Monday, August 19, 2019For most young adults, leaving home and setting out on their own is inevitable, but success in this endeavor is not. Right now, your student is dependent on you for a variety of things from waking them up and keeping track of their schedule to making food for them. The goal, before they leave home to set out on their own, should be personal independence. Students with a learning difference and their parents can increase the likelihood of a successful transition to adulthood by focusing on four critical areas to prepare for the obstacles ahead.