Jennifer Correnti is the Director of School Counseling at Harrison High School and has been a High School Counselor for 12 years after spending 9 years as a History teacher. Jennifer graduated from Montclair State University with a BA in History and an MA in Counseling. Empowering students through a growth mindset, she has advocated for new course offerings that break down barriers to post-secondary success including access for all student to STEM programming. As a NCWIT’s Counselor for Computing consultant, Jennifer is passionate about encouraging school counselors to embrace their role as agents of change. Jennifer is a member of the American School Counselor Association, New Jersey School Counselor Association, New Jersey Association of College Admissions Counselors and New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association.
Angela Cleveland and Jennifer Correnti
Angela Cleveland has 15 years of experience as a school counselor and received the "2017 New Jersey School Counselor of the Year" award. She is an Executive Board Member and Webmaster for the New Jersey School Counselor Association (NJSCA). Angela is the Program Director for NCWIT’s Counselors for Computing, which provides professional school counselors with information and resources they can use to support ALL students as they explore computer science education and careers.
Articles by Angela Cleveland and Jennifer Correnti
School counselors prepare students for 21st-century computational thinking skills
Thursday, July 18, 2019Counselors are at the forefront of opening doors to opportunities for all students. It is crucial for educational leaders to recognize the impact and service school counselors have in every school community as stakeholders and embrace engaging educational environments that support pathways to sustainable and rewarding post-secondary opportunities. Counselors recognize that technology is changing every career. Engaging students and families in conversations about sustainable careers means talking about the intersection of computer science with every vocation.