Amanda Morrow BSN, RN, CPT, has 37 years of nursing experience, including experience in medical/surgical patient care, monitor technician and ambulatory care settings. She also worked in an endocrine clinic as a diabetes educator, insulin pump trainer and BLS instructor. With more than 25 years at the VA Roseburg Healthcare System, Amanda currently serves as a nurse educator and simulation program coordinator. She lives in Oregon with her husband of 36 years, two children and three grandchildren.
Joshua P.M. Walters, B.S., has recently been welcomed into the VA Roseburg Education Department. He received his bachelor's degree in sports and health science with emphasis on coaching from American Military University in 2014. He is currently a work-study student at VA Roseburg pursuing a master's degree in education. With more than five years of military service, Joshua serves in the Oregon Army National Guard as an infantryman.
Monday, January 19, 2015
The VA Roseburg Healthcare System's (VARHS) Nurse Mandi Day (NMD) event has traditionally been the educational model for assuring nursing personnel's technical competency. In its design, NMD is an opportunity for nursing personnel to participate annually in activities involving sustainment of healthcare skills and development of critical thinking. NMD previously utilized poster board presentations, written tests of the nursing staff's knowledge of critical skills and informational videos — but little in the way of interactive learning.