Alyssa Abel
Alyssa Abel is a college and career writer who talks about student life, mental health, parenting and much more. Read further work on her blog,Articles by Alyssa Abel
How to pursue a degree as an adult
Tuesday, October 13, 2020Education isn’t easy, no matter how old you are — and going to school as an adult comes with its own set of challenges. Whether you're considering a bachelor's degree, or you want to expand your knowledge even more with a go at graduate education, you might be wondering where to begin. Luckily, there are plenty of people just like you and many programs built to accommodate situations like yours. Here's some advice that will serve you particularly well if you're seeking tips for going back to school as an adult.
The best tools and teaching methods for continued virtual learning
Thursday, July 16, 2020As you prepare your lesson plans for the coming year, you might need to do twice the work. Many districts have yet to finalize reopening plans, and it pays to prepare for continued virtual learning. What are the ultimate tools and strategies for online learning? As you gear up for the 2020-21 school year, add these gems to your arsenal.
Supporting student mental health through distance learning
Monday, July 06, 2020Students have faced multiple hurdles throughout the current pandemic. Some of them saw their prom and graduation dreams shattered, struggled with their grades during online learning, or missed out on the comforting social interaction of attending school. Others postponed their plans to go to college or don't know what next year will bring for their college applications. How can you support student mental health while teaching virtually? While distance learning does present unique challenges, the following activities can help you better care for your students.