Physician burnout: No one cares — but you should
Dr. Jonathan KaplanHave you read the articles over the last several months about physician burnout and fatigue? I’ll admit that as someone in the physician fishbowl, I’m on the inside and hear a lot about physician burnout that most of the public may not see. But doctors are upset and having significant emotional distress because of their chosen field.
The importance of social support in organ transplantation outcomes
Maria FrischEpidemiological studies have linked poor social support to negative health outcomes and higher mortality rates across a multitude of medical conditions. Social support appears to result in more positive biological profiles, and recent research on immune-mediated inflammatory processes shows how integrative physiological mechanisms directly link social support to physical health.
EAPs keeping families healthy and strong
Jessica WoodsEmployee assistance plans only help if they are utilized. It seems like such a simple statement, but in reality there are many people who never use their EAP to their best benefit.
5 tips to prevent burnout in ministry
Deborah IkeDo you sometimes feel like you live at the church? Do you feel guilty leaving each day knowing there's still more work to be done? If so, you’re not alone. I've worked in ministry and felt the struggle between the work I was dedicated to do for God and my own physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Is Parkinson’s disease in the future for Jesse Pinkman of ‘Breaking…
Dr. Denise A. ValentiAMC's television series "Breaking Bad" depicted diverse characters on both sides of the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine. The popular series, which ended its six-year run with a series finale Sept. 29, was known for its raw, graphic and violent depiction of the culture and science behind the making and distribution of illicit drugs.
New study sheds light on presentation of CTE symptoms
Dorothy L. TenglerScientists have long been aware of the devastation of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which is marked by widespread accumulation of an abnormal protein called hyperphosphorylated tau. The disease usually presents with mood and behavioral changes at a young age. However, a new study suggests that clinical presentation could include cognitive symptoms at a later age.
Anonymity often leads to physician bullying online
Pamela Lewis DolanDiscussions that used to take place around water coolers and in doctor’s lounges have moved to online message boards, blogs and social media sites. But the Internet has also given some physicians an outlet to unleash vitriolic commentary many would never consider unleashing on a colleague in person.
Feng shui: Creating the right environment for your medical office
Jessica TaylorTake a minute to look around your office. Is it appealing to your patients? Does it promote well-being? Believe it or not, your office layout affects your work life as well as your patients; feng shui can also affect you, your patients and staff. How a space feels affects how people respond at a conscious and unconscious level, says feng shui consultant and lecturer Linda Varone, RN, MA, CFS .
Brainstorming: How to help maintain progress and achieve
Colleen ButlerColleen Butler, author of "Concussion Recovery: Rebuilding the Injured Brain," is offering practical advice to help with the recovery from brain injury. In the third edition of Brainstorming, readers have asked about "how to help maintain progress after slipping a bit" and "to explain brain fatigue and the importance of sleep and nutrition."
Helping employees manage workplace stress
Joy BurgessAccording to OutofStress.com, workplace stress costs nearly $300 billion annually, due to rehabilitation, absenteeism from work and health care. Although some workplace stress is normal, when employees face excessive stress in the workplace, their physical, emotional and mental health may be negatively impacted.
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