Umbrage and the VA hospital scandal
Dr. Jonathan Kaplan Healthcare AdministrationThe definition of "umbrage" is feeling offended by what someone has said or done. If you've been following the scandal surrounding the Veteran's Administration Hospital in Phoenix, you are hearing from a lot of politicians taking umbrage with the actions of that particular VA and how they provided poor service to our veterans.
Children of the badge: The impact of stress on law enforcement children
Mark Bond Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityWe know that being married to a law enforcement officer (LEO) has its challenges. But how does extended exposure to secondhand stress and trauma affect the children of LEOs?
Would using a reward system for safe drivers reduce traffic violations?
Christina Nava Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityJust last year, the U.S. Highway Patrol verified that about 112,000 people receive speeding tickets per day. Imagine how much that number would decrease if a type of reward system for good drivers were put into action.
The Thin Blue Line: Examining 2013 police death statistics
Mark Bond Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityThe nation's law enforcement family has gathered in Washington, D.C., this week for National Police Week. At the same time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has released preliminary data for officers killed in the line of duty in 2013.
Modern slavery and the hidden world of human trafficking
Lauren Swan Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityWhat is the largest illegal industry in the world? Drugs — that's pretty easy to guess. What is the world's second-largest illegal industry? Human trafficking, the majority being sex trafficking.
Drone dread: Line must be drawn between hobby toys and military machines
Nick Merrill Recreation & LeisureRecently, two national parks made headlines when they banned the use of drones inside their parks. This was a strong move — and a first among parks — but only the latest in a string of bans on unmanned aerial vehicles in public.
Formalizing your veteran hiring program
Catherine Iste Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityWith the ever-increasing number of veterans in the workforce, formalized veteran hiring and retention programs have started showing up on the radar of defense, law enforcement and private organizations. Many law enforcement and defense organizations already hire veterans, but how do you formalize the process, and why should you?
Married to the badge: Stress in the law enforcement marriage
Mark Bond Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityBeing married to a law enforcement officer has its challenges. The long hours of work, rotating shifts, attending court on days off, fear and danger of the job, and all the different part-time work does not leave a lot of time to devote to family.
Returning soldiers: Veterans in higher education
Dr. Denise A. Valenti Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityFor many veterans, pursuing a college education is not simply continuing where high school may have left off. These returning soldiers may still be recovering from traumas incurred during service.
Extremist groups in the U.S.: Exposing the hate
Mark Bond Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityThe recent shootings at two Kansas City-area Jewish centers are being investigated as a hate crime, and this is just the latest example that extremist groups are not going away anytime soon. Here is a closer look at hate crime in the U.S.
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