Teachers and administrators have the demand of roughly 180 days of student instructional holidays in the United States. There are more days added when including professional development/training, conferences and lesson planning days. Thankfully, the overwhelming demand of early mornings and late nights comes to a sweet halt during the summer months.

The summer break is an idealistic time for educators and administrators to reflect, renew, and recharge before the next school year. For many, it is hard to truly optimize the two months before in-school sessions start. Education professionals feel like 'there's so much to do but so little time.' Here are ways to ensure you maximize the well-deserved time off.

Relax, recharge, take time for yourself.

Yes, it's a great time for you to be a bit selfish. Allow yourself the much-needed rest days. Take time for sleeping in, relaxing on the couch or swimming at the pool. Pick up that book you started and just hadn't finished. Summer travel is also on the table. Take that solo trip or plan some away time with your loved ones. Reconnect with those friends that you've canceled on a couple of times.

This is a secluded time to truly relax. Pull yourself away from your desk and office. Fully disconnect by not thinking about work or even talking about it. You are out of office and those emails can wait. This time is important to your well-being. Working hard is great but remembering to take time away is just as important.

Deep clean and organize classroom

Having much needed TLC with your workspace and classroom. Now that you don't have the hustle and bustle from day to day you can truly make your environment comfortable and useful to your needs. Start with a much needed deep clean and sanitizing of all items. Take inventory of items and supplies that you will need for the new school year.

Devote time to throw away damaged goods to replenish. Create a list for inventory to give to the right department. Often, your space can feel comfortable to you by adding the right elements. Find tools, images or decorations that you can add that give you a sense of purpose, calmness and peace. Look into elements that'll be helpful to students for the upcoming school year.

Professional development

During the school year, it's required of you to dedicate time for staff and students. During the summer break, this is time for you to prioritize your growth and knowledge. The education industry is ever changing and new enhancements and methods are happening every year. Experience conferences and training from professionals that can help in different specialties. Experiencing these sessions can help prevent burn out and help you gain needed inspiration.

Perhaps you are interested in furthering your education? The summer can be a great opportunity to take certifications and/or courses online. Investigate different technological tools to help with your day to day like communication tools, lesson planning programs and more. Another great way to feel accomplished this summer is learning a new language or skill that you can use in your classroom.


The education industry is a large web of individuals that you can have as a support system or mentors. Take time to bond with fellow teachers, educators and administrators. This can go outside of your team and or district as well. These individuals understand what you go through and can offer a helping hand, support, and advise.

Take this time to further collaborate for ideas for your school and/or classroom. Yes, you could potentially discuss your work but also try not always discussing work. Connect by bonding over your families, friends and hobbies. This will help you build a support system and establish a sense of balance with those around you.

Reflect on previous year

Journal important moments of your previous school year; the highs and lows. Assess the ways that you, your students, and/or staff improved. Acknowledge the goals you did and did not meet this year. Ask why you were or were not able to. Create a plan for the year on what you need to discard due to it not working. Expound on the wins for the previous year and why they worked.

Furthermore, allow room to commend yourself on all accomplishments and ways that your efforts helped this school year. This will allow you to find inspiration for the upcoming year. From there, it'd be best to begin curriculum planning and school planning with this newfound inspiration.

Remember the 4 R's

Truthfully, the best way to optimize this time is to set plans/goal in place that give you the space to complete the 4 R's; relax, renew, reset and release. Plan days for just free time while also planning days to complete tasks.

Acknowledge that the education industry is one of the most demanding industries. Though it is demanding, it is very gratifying and impactful. With the demands, it can be stressful and overwhelming at times. This time away from your classroom and office is important for your mental and physical health. Take the much-deserved break with intentions to return ready for an amazing school year.